Water Jetting & Treatment

Water jetting has become a highly efficient and suitable technique for removing corrosion products such as rust from different surfaces like metal. With the use of a hose, high-pressure nozzles, rotating water cutter heads, and a Comet pump, water jetting can remove grease, silt, and roots without a problem.




Setup Flexibility – Whatever your water jetting requirements are, Comet has a wide range of options to fit your needs and budget. Our pumps can be prepped for belt drive, direct drive, flex coupler and clutch drive setups.

Quality Components Comet pumps are designed with only quality components that keep you moving with limited maintenance and downtime.

Water Jetting Applications – Comet pumps are designed for use in the following water jetting applications: light industrial / residential, trailer – industrial units, large truck mounts for sewer cleaning, and more! 


For over sixty years, Comet has been the global leader in providing pumps and accessories to the world of water and fluid applications. Based in Reggio Emilia – Italy, each Comet pump is developed with Italian design and innovation that brings performance that lasts a lifetime. Comet offers a wide range of diaphragm, triplex and axial high-pressure plunger pumps and complimentary accessories. With a strong distribution channel, Comet can provide fast solutions and new concepts to the world of water and fluid applications. With Comet, you will always get the following:

Performance Capabilities – Comet pumps and accessories can provide up to 550 HP, 128 GPM and 40,000 PSI.

Robust Product Line – Comet offers more than 1,000 pumps and accessories offered for a wide range of industries and applications.

Problem Solving Mentality – Every problem has a solution. With our history, quality, innovation and global affiliations; no problem is too big for us to tackle.

360° Customer Service – From the beginning of the order to when it reaches your doorstep, Comet has a knowledgeable customer service staff that provides more answers than questions.

Centralized Location – Based in Paynesville, MN, easily get quick turn-around on your orders.




Pumps For Water Jetting

Residential Jetting Equipment


Industrial WAter Jetting Trailers


Sewer Cleaning Large Truck Mounts

Higher Pressure Pumps are available under our HPP brand. Click the images to learn more!

EF & EFR 75/88


ELH 70/280


check out our most recent blog on how to winterize your comet pump!

Request More Information

If you have any questions about Comet pumps for water jetting applications, or if you would like to learn about the accessories available to increase the performance of Comet pumps, fill out the form below and we will be in touch shortly.